29 Jan 2016
Employer Engagement

Connecting Industry and Researchers in Physics � employers and physics PhDs meet at Kent to share ideas on joint working SEPnet�s Graduate Network (GRADnet) recently held its 4th networking evening to facilitate greater collaboration between industry and physics postgraduate researchers.
Panellists including Simon Campbell of Selex ES, Phil Edwards of Weald Technology, Julie Barry of RIFT Research & Development and Jim Telfer of Hilger Crystals shared their views and advice on what physics graduates can offer businesses, what skills industry needs and what opportunities are available to physics PhDs. ��Students then networked with employers to explore potential jobs, research work or industry mentoring support.
SEPnet helps students develop their employability skills in a number of ways and, during the evening, Greg Smith, physics PhD student at Kent, showed his video describing an investigation he would like to send into space.�Greg�s video won him a week at the Yuri Gagarin Training Centre in Russia, sponsored jointly by Kent and SEPnet.� The training week will offer Greg the chance to enhance his leadership, team building and communication skills. �You can view Greg�s video here:�� Greg Smith, University of Kent�� A solution to showering in space. Our 5th networking event takes place at Surrey on�9 June.� To book a free place, email gradnetadmin@sepnet.ac.uk