9 May 2017

We are pleased to announce the 8th summer programme, �Condensed Matter Physics in the City 2017� which will take place in London on 10-14 July 2017. �Further details can be found on our website. The programme has been organised by�the Hubbard Theory Consortium and sponsored by SEPnet and by ICAM.

This summer�s programme will have a special emphasis on Entanglement, Non-equilibrium and Thermalization in Quantum Correlated Materials. The programme will include international keynote speakers in addition to presentations by participants. �Please register here if you would like to attend or to give a presentation. �We would particularly encourage PhD students and postdocs to present their ongoing work. �We also have some limited financial support available for students from ICAM nodes across the globe.
Please feel free to forward this announcement to anyone you believe may be interested.
Kind regards,
Giovanni Sordi
on behalf of the Hubbard Theory Consortium:
Piers Coleman
Matthias Eschrig
Sam Carr
Jorge Quintanilla
Andrew Green
Keith Refson
Frank Kruger
Ryan Barnett
Anna Posazhennikova
Andrew Ho
Derek Lee
Toby Perring
Giovanni Sordi
� Giovanni Sordi
Hubbard Theory Consortium
Department of Physics
Royal Holloway University of London
Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, United Kingdom email: Giovanni.Sordi@rhul.ac.uk web: http://personal.rhul.ac.uk/uxap/009