1 Nov 2016
Employer Engagement

Connecting Industry and Researchers in Physics - SEPnet's physics PhDs and�employers came together for a lively networking evening at University of Hertfordshire on 19 October.

�Key�employers�AWE,�Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, GlaxoSmithKline, Leonardo, Royal Marsden,�Ultra Electronics�and others�met physics postgraduates and postdocs to talk about what they can offer industry. Students also met data science experts,�Pivigo,�and Oscar winners, Framestore, in a structured networking session which raised their awareness of how their research can be applied in a wide range of industries.�
�Asked what students gained from the evening, comments included: �that my very narrow field links to the wider world�, �how my astrophysics research translates into useful transferable skills for industry application�, �I met some really interesting (and hopefully useful) people�.
�Our next event will be in May at University of Sussex. �For more details�email gradnetadmin@sepnet.ac.uk