31 Oct 2017

The GRADnet Induction Day was held on Wednesday, 25 October in London and attended by 120 first year postgraduate students from across SEPnet.
Workshops on LaTeX, MATLAB, Python, IOP Getting your research published and Organising meetings and conferences were run in parallel during the morning and afternoon.
Thank you to our speakers Dr Dave Faux, University of Surrey, Dr Tim Kinnear, University of Kent, Professor Peter McDonald, University of Surrey and GRADnet Director, Simon Harris and Tom Sharpe, Institute of Physics - Publishing and Mrs Kay, Pearson, University of Surrey.
Feedback from delegates was very positive.� Comments included:
"It was very good to get someone working in the industry to share their knowledge"
LaTeX:�"Worked well doing the exercises in chunks with supplied coding...."
"Very nice and interactive session. I enjoyed group work and the time allocated for the exercises as appropriate.� Very useful tips about organising a meeting/conference."
Delegates were introduced to the forthcoming GRADnet events taking place during this academic year.
SEPnet hopes to run the same event for first year postgraduates in October 2018.