31 Oct 2017

GRADnet held their first "Moving forward for second years" event on Wednesday 18 October in London which was attended by over 65 postgraduate researchers.
There were workshops on:�Creating impact, How to write a successful fellowship application, Research data management, Unconscious bias and� Writing better software for better research.
Thank you to all our speakers, Julia Shalet, Product Doctor, Professor Peter McDonald, University of Surrey and GRADnet Director,�Juan Bicarregui, Science &�Technology Facilities Council, Dr Alice Motes, University of Surrey, Professor Averil MacDonald OBE, SEPnet Diversity and Impact Lead and Dr Mike Jackson, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre.
Feedback from delegates was very positive.� Comments received:
"Interactive, fun, insightful, inspiring - challenged the ideas we had, made us think about real world application"
"Fantastic as I think it dealt with some of the fundamental problems I have in communicating my research in a concise manner."
"I learned that bias is far more ingrained in our minds than I previously imagined....Overall, it raised my awareness of the subject which I very much appreciate."
"Best workshop I've ever done."
SEPnet hopes to run a similar event in 2018.