1 Mar 2017

Who:��This school is for physics PhD and post-doctoral researchers working in the area of quantum technologies. When: 24-26 April 2017 (Arrival 11.30) Where: �Old Thorns Manor Hotel, Liphook, Hampshire,�GU30 7PE. �Free to attend. Accommodation is�provided at the Old Thorns�and rooms are en suite�twin-bedded�rooms (2 people sharing).� �Travel expenses to and from the venue can be claimed through SEPnet. �A shuttle taxi�service will be provided�from Liphook station to Old Thorns on Monday morning and Wednesday evening. Registration: PGRs and Postdocs from the SEPnet institutions should register via the VRE�here.��Registration deadline 20 March 2017. If you are a from a non-SEPnet institution you can register your interest to gradnetadmin@sepnet.ac.uk What: �A 3-day residential workshop led by senior researchers in the SEPnet region comprising lectures, tutorials, seminars and other activities.�This school aims to expose PhD students interested in applications of physics which directly rely on the properties of quantum mechanics to perform a function beyond current technological capability.
Sometimes such a device is described as a "machine" whose dynamical degrees of freedom obey Schrodinger's equations, thereby employing the principles of superposition and entanglement to achieve its task.
The School will be taught by senior researchers from within SEPnet and by invited speakers from beyond. A total of six sessions are planned that will span different directions in which quantum technology is progressing, including:
Quantum computation
Quantum simulation
Quantum sensing / metrology
Quantum communications.
In addition, the School will explore key enabling technologies.
Speakers:�Erika Andersson, Heriot-Watt University,�Sugato Bose, University College London, Andreas Freise, University of Birmingham,Eran Ginossar, University of Surrey,�Jaewoo Joo, University of Surrey, Richard Josza, University of Cambridge, Pieter Kok, University of Sheffield, Stefan Kuhr, University of Strathclyde, Tobias Lindstrom, NPL, John Morton, University College London, Yuri Ovchinnikov, NPL, Diego Porras, University of Sussex, Alessandro Rossi, University of Cambridge, Tim Spiller, University of York and Seb Weidt, University of Sussex. Organisers: Dr Eran Ginossar (Surrey), Prof Winfried Hensinger (Sussex), Dr Elinor Irish (Southampton), Dr Silvia Bergamini (Open University), Dr Tobias Lindstrom (National Physical Laboratory). This workshop contributes 20�hours towards physics skills training.