27 Mar 2017

The Spring 2017�issue of GRADnews has been sent off for printing. It will be distributed to all PGRs and staff across the SEPnet members over the next two weeks. Watch out for it in your mailslots or in your PGR student common rooms/areas. If there's one in your mailslot, then it's for you!
This issue concentrates on the important area of Impact.�More and more Research is evaluated on the broader Impact it has on society, the economy, and people. Six Impact studies have been funded by SEPnet and they are reported on in this issue. In addition we report on DISCnet, a new initiative in Data Intensive Science, the recent Winter School held at Cumberland Lodge in Windsor, and a reminder on the Enterprising Ideas Competition.
As always, please ensure you have a functioning VRE account so you can fully participate in the programme. If you need help, please look here:�http://www.sepnet.ac.uk/sepnet-graduate-network/gradnets-virtual-research-environment/frequently-asked-questions-faqs-gradnet-vre/�
You can download a copy of the newsletter here:�GRADnews Issue 6 Final