6 Oct 2021

Revisiting the leaky pipeline short-term contracts and career planning
5th Annual SEPnet Workshop - Wednesday 1 December 10.00 - 13.00
Hosted online by University of Sussex
The number of people from under-represented groups reduces at each career stage of the academic career path in physics and other STEM disciplines. This workshop focuses on the postdoctoral phase of an ECR's career and explores how the typical series of short-term contracts affects their career choices and what can be done in support of ECRs.
While this issue affects all ECRs, the workshop will focus, in particular, on support for ECRs from under-represented groups. This event is aimed at ECR representatives, HE STEM staff responsible for diversity and inclusion including Athena SWAN, Project Juno and diversity champions, HR managers and academics.
10.00 Chair's introduction
Professor Matthias Keller, University of Sussex
10.10 The challenges of an academic career in physics - overcoming the barriers to career progression
Professor Kathy Romer, University of Sussex
10:35 The effect of short-term contracts on career planning and choices: early career researcher perspective
Dr Gregory Ashton, Early Career Researcher, University of Portsmouth
11:00 Challenges and strategies for career management; supporting underrepresented groups and promoting EDI
Rana Marrington, Careers Consultant (Postgraduate & Early Career Researchers), Doctoral College, University of Surrey
11:25 Break
11:35 Short term contracts and career planning - what are the solutions? An HEI perspective
Dr Annika Lohstroh, Staff Tutor, School of Physical Sciences (SPS), The Open University
12:00 Breakout group discussions
12:30 Group feedback and panel discussion
13:00 Close of proceedings
The workshop is FREE to join. Places are limited. Please register for a place below on a first come, first served basis.