13 Mar 2019
Public Engagement

Interact - an engagement symposium for the physical sciences.
Registration is now open for Interact 2019, an Engagement Symposium for the Physical and Life Sciences.
Following the huge success of Interact 2017, the STFC, IOP and SEPnet, RSC, RAS, Ogden Trust and UCLan are co-hosting the event to develop an inspiring, challenging and refreshing programme on the following key themes:
Evaluation & Impact and REF 2021
Reaching under-served audiences
Schools outreach
Sharing best and worst practice in a safe space
This event, which spans the physical and life sciences, offers something for everyone with an interest in improving their public engagement capabilities. It will provide a fantastic opportunity to learn new ways to engage with your audience, explore the barriers to engagement and discuss how the engagement landscape is changing. But above all, it will be a chance to share your experiences with like-minded people in a fun and friendly environment.
The detailed content of the day will be co-created and you will be able to vote on proposals by fellow delegates so get your thinking caps on!
UCLAN is a fantastic location with state of the art facilities, including a fully functioning laboratory for experimental demonstrations and activities, and a completely kitted-out performing arts facility including a dance stage.