21 Oct 2018

About 60 SEPnet PGRs attended this training event held on Wednesday, 17 October 2018 to support PGRs in their second year.
Students chose two out of four workshops and student feedback�was very positive:
How to write a fellowship application (Workshop lead: Prof Peter McDonald, Surrey): Good workshop, explained the process clearly and ideas for presenting research ideas.Practical Innovation (Workshop lead: Julia Shalet, Product Doctor):� I would highly recommend the workshop as it gives you a good and realistic view on what to consider when starting a business.Research Data Management (Workshop lead: Dr Juan Biccaregui, STFC/Dr Alice Motes, Surrey):� Good!� Ideas heard before, but made me think about it and motivated me to improve.Writing better software for research (Workshop Lead: Claire Hepwood, RHUL): This was extremely useful.� I initially thought it might be basic for me but it taught me lots of practices I never knew about before.�
Thank you to our presenters and to Cristobel Soares-Smith, Graduate Network Administrator for organising this event. Professor Sean Ryan, Executive Director, SEPnet, welcomes delegates.