22 Nov 2016

NuSec Personal Development Grant: The Nuclear Security Science Network 'NuSec' promotes research and technology in nuclear security. The network is open to all academic, industrial and government scientists and engineers working in nuclear security and acts as a forum to encourage collaboration, networking and capability for all stakeholders. Aim of Grant: To support Early Career Researchers and established staff across a range of personal development activities related to nuclear security science, including attending research conferences, carrying out industrial placements, or attending training courses. Also to strengthen the research and innovation capacity of scientists in the field of nuclear security science and to develop new collaborations between researchers and partner organisations. Scope: To include any mechanism which achieves the aims and objectives of the programme. Funding will be offered to support travel and subsistence costs plus event registration fees or other associated costs. Award Value: Grants will be awarded in the range �500 - �2000. Early Career Researchers (PhD students and postdoctoral researchers) are NOT required to obtain matched funding. Application Procedure: Applications must be made using the application form that can be downloaded from the NuSec website www.nusec.uk. There is an open application deadline for these grants with a decision made to the applicant within 6 weeks of submission. The assessment of proposals will be carried out by the NuSec Management Group. Eligibility: Applicants should be researchers who are based either at a university, research establishment or a company within the UK. Applicants are expected to either be active in the field of nuclear security or wishing to apply their expertise from other areas into nuclear security research. Applicants will normally only receive one award across the duration of the network. Further details: Visit NuSec�s website or contact info@nusec.uk.