27 Jul 2016
Employer Engagement

Open University hosts its first SEPnet Careers Information Fair for Physics Undergraduates and PhD Students
At the end of June, The Open University hosted a Careers Information Fair for Physics students. Seema Shoor, responsible for employer engagement, organised the fair to enable undergraduates and postgraduate researchers to meet a range of employers face to face (a rare and valuable opportunity for distance learners) to identify potential career options. Key employers of physics graduates attended including�Network Rail, Airbus, E2v, IoP, STFC, Home Office, Leonardo (formerly Selex ES) and QinetiQ. Over 50 students attended and the feedback from employers and students alike was very positive.� Students valued the informal atmosphere: one commented �I found it very useful to speak with potential employers and didn't find the experience too daunting� (undergraduate student). ��Employers commented on students� enthusiasm and the quality of the conversations with one stating, ��I feel that the majority of the students were very willing and open to engage in conversation over their studies and where they wish to progress after their completion of their course. A few of them had read up on the company prior to the event and so they had an idea of who we were and what we could offer them�. (large corporate).