15 Nov 2016

GRADnet Winter School 13-15 February 2017, Cumberland Lodge, Great Windsor Park, Berkshire SL4 2HP
This 3-day residential school will focus on the skills required for�effective leadership and team-working. �The core activity will centre around a multi-media case simulation of the ill-fated Columbia Space Shuttle mission. In this mission, NASA engineers and leaders sought to understand the nature and threat associated with a technical problem that occurred on launch. Over the course of the mission, they analysed the damage, assessed the risks, and decided what to do. Leadership, organisational culture, communication, personality characteristics, formal systems and job positions are amongst many complex issues that affected the course of the decision-making process.
Workshop participants work in teams to analyse the simulation, using materials supplied by NASA. Each team takes the role of one of the key NASA managers or engineers, initially experiencing only those events that that person had at the time of the mission. This adds a rich dimension to the case experience as participants recognise how perceptions of the same event can vary.
See attached for further details and a draft timetable.�Columbia's Final Mission Winter School Timetable 2017 Draft To see what happened at the last Winter School look here.
This is a free event and all reasonable travel expenses are covered by SEPnet.
Log on to the VRE and register�here.� Registration deadline 13 January 2017. Cristobel
Cristobel Soares-Smith
SEPnet Graduate Network Administrator
01483 682270