25 Jun 2020

Thursday 16 July, 12.00 � 13.00
Now is a great time to focus on identifying your employability skills. This session will help you understand the skills you�ve gained on your course and in extra-curricular activities and how to show evidence of these in your social media profile.
This is an interactive webinar for physics and maths undergraduate and postgraduate students and will cover:
� How to create a winning profile
� How to develop your personal brand
� How to actively engage with LinkedIn
It would be helpful to set up a LinkedIn profile beforehand so you can work on it during the session.
Hosted by Jenika Karsan, a physics postgraduate, analytics and marketing consultant. Jenika has a strong background in the in financial sector and has worked for a number of years with SEPnet, recruiting students for placements and presenting at SEPnet employability events.
Places are limited. If you would like to join this Zoom webinar, please email employerengagement@sepnet.ac.uk for further details and instructions for how to join the meeting.