6 Jun 2016

SEPnet is pleased to announce a major workshop on Big Data and Numerical Modelling and Simulation � What SEPnet workshops for academic researchers from SEPnet institutions When 21st and 22nd September 2016 Where Cosener�s House, Abingdon, OX14 3JD Who Academic researchers from SEPnet institutions with interest in: ������� Big data in all areas of physics; ������� Numerical modelling and simulation in condensed matter. Cost Accommodation and travel costs will be met by SEPnet. Registration e-mail to gradnetadmin@sepnet.ac.uk by 31st July 2016.
The aim of these parallel workshops is to explore opportunities for collaboration and the winning of research funding in computational science across SEPnet. The two workshops will take the form of joint plenary talks and break-out sessions with particular focus on:
Big Data in all areas of physics;
Numerical Modelling and Simulation for condensed matter science
Big Data: The forthcoming Alan Turing Institute (ATI) will be a focus for data intensive science in the southeast of England. Within SEPnet, several scientists have been working on university-wide initiatives in Big Data with some local resources committed for these endeavours. This workshop will bring together interested scientists from across SEPnet with a view to sharing ideas and exploring synergies and opportunities, especially in the astronomy and particle physics communities. It will cover academic research in the area of data intensive science, including developing links with the ATI and possible future funding routes through research councils and / or partnerships with business. Numerical modelling: Strong pockets of expertise in numerical modelling and simulation for condensed matter science across a broad spectrum of length and timescales are embedded right across the SEPnet partners. However, to date little attempt has been made to draw these together. The workshop seeks to showcase activity; to explore some of the big challenges of modelling and simulation and to discuss opportunities for new routes to collaborative research funding especially with business. Training opportunities: Both Big Data and Numerical modelling and simulation in condensed matter offer great possibilities for new training and innovation opportunities. At the workshop we will investigate how GRADnet could provide a vehicle for common doctoral training across the network, possibly leading to further funding from the research councils and collaborative funding directly with SME companies. Speakers:� John Bancroft, Director, NPL North of England:� Marieke Beckmann, Research Lead, NPL, Centre for Carbon Measurement:� Ofer Lahav, Perren Chair of Astronomy,�Astrophysics Group,�University College London and Michele Weiland, Project Manager,�Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, University of Edinburgh have agreed to speak at the meetings. There will also be opportunities for participants to make presentations. Registration: Registration is open. To confirm a place, please send an e-mail to Cristobel Soares-Smith (gradnetadmin@sepnet.ac.uk) by 31st July 2016. In the event of over-subscription, preference will be given to delegates that (i) register early while (ii) maintaining representation from a diversity of interest groups and institutions.