9 Sept 2015

SEPnet is delighted to support the launch of new resources by Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) who have produced a set of training and teaching resources for teachers, STEM Ambassadors and an interactive app for girls to help educate and inspire. At the British Science Festival in Bradford yesterday, Stephanie McGovern, journalist and broadcaster, hosted the launch�of�the 'People like me' resource pack and app which is is the first novel approach to increasing the number of girls in science in 30 years. Research conducted by WISE in the�Not for people like me�report, found that talking about scientists and engineers and what they do often doesn't attract girls. Instead, allowing girls to look at the sort of person they are and how their attributes correspond to roles in these sectors does.
Prof Averil MacDonald talks about the data on female STEM participation @thewisecampaign #peoplelikeme pic.twitter.com/TKeZwKQzAh
� Katherine Mathieson (@Kath_Math) September 8, 2015
SEPnet's Professor Averil MacDonald produced the�Not for people like me�report�and spoke at the launch of the new resource packs. The resource packs are available from �here:�PeopleLikeMe_SEPnet_mainpack PeopleLikeMe_SEPnet_leaflet PeopleLikeMe_SEPnet_poster