7 Aug 2017

Registration Now Open! We look forward to seeing you at the School!
Are you an experimental physicist? Are the lab gremlins getting you down? Does none of your data make sense?�You could give up and end it all... but you�should�come to the�QLM Summer School 2017! There are a limited number of places for PGRs from SEPnet institutions. Now in its third year, the QLM Summer School is a chance to receive�practical, hands-on advice to develop new skills,�improve your lab�productivity and kickstart your future career. �Taking place at�Bournemouth�University Talbot Campus�from the�30th August - 1st September 2017, we are offering a varied selection of talks, workshops and activities to help�unleash your full scientific potential whether you're just starting your PhD and feel completely lost, or approaching the end of your PhD... and feel completely lost!
Accommodation, travel to and from the summer school and meals are provided!
Find out more here.
To Register click on the registration tab or follow the link below: