1 Jul 2016

For GRADnet Postgraduate Research Students
Southampton Quantum Light and matter PGR students are holding a Summer School in Winchester on August 30 � September 1st. In the interests of encouraging greater collaboration within SEPnet we have agreed to fund upto 10 PGRs from other SEPnet partners to participate, including their reasonable travel cost. If the numbers are oversubscribed we will work with the organisers to ensure a reasonable distribution across the SEPnet members and sub-disciplines, otherwise places will be filled� first come first served. The deadline for registration has been extended to Friday August 5th 2016.
Keynote speakers include:
Professor Mark Fox, The University of Sheffield
Professor Marika Taylor, University of Southampton
Professor Ifan Hughes,� Durham University
Professor Shinichi Saito, University of Southampton
Visit www.qlmsummerschool.co.uk to register