11 Oct 2017

Wednesday 15 November, 15.00 � 18.00
Hallam Conference Centre, London W1
IOP and SEPnet are holding a networking careers event for physics undergraduate and PGRs.
This half-day panel and networking event gives you a chance to find out about the range of career options open to physicists.
Hear female physicists:
� talk about their roles and how they got to where they are
� provide practical advice and information about the skills and experience you need to progress in your career
Participating organisations include: Micron Semiconductor Ltd; Leonardo; Magnetic Shields; National Physical Laboratory; University of Sussex; Royal Holloway; UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA); Ultra Electronics and others.
Refreshments will be provided. Places are limited and the event is free to attend.
Register at: https://www.iopconferences.org/iop/1141/home