Category Archives: Impact


SEPnet WRIPA joint collaboration workshop

Over 50 academics from 26 Universities attended the 6th Annual SEPnet WRIPA joint workshop on the 10th of June. This years theme was “How does student engagement and a sense of belonging effect graduate outcomes. 

Thank you to everyone who attended and and made this a very successful event.

We were delighted to have Sally Hyman, survey director at High Flyers research UK open the event and share some statistics on the current 2023 graduate Survey result and how Physics graduates differ from those studying social sciences.

Dr Tom Lowe, Senior Lecturer in Higher Education, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, School of Education, Languages and Linguistics, University of Portsmouth spoke on Focusing on student engagement to address graduate employability

Dr Oto-obong Inyang, Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Durham University shared her research in Discipline-Based Education Research and its impact on student engagement

Dr Andrew Mizumori Hirst, Codirector, White Rose Industrial Physics Academy, School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, University of York closed the event with a report how the department are Building inclusive career learning environments for physics students.


SEPnet Impact Grants – second call – deadline Oct 31st

SEPnet Impact Grants – second call – deadline Oct 31st


To support researchers in developing Impact from their research, SEPnet is offering small grants to support an individual for up to 3 months full time or pro rata.

N.B These grants MUST be allocated and projects commenced before the end of SEPnet 2 (July 31st 2018) but expenditure may take place after this date. The projects are therefore suitable for individuals who will be available to start at any time up until July 2018.

N.B. This offer of funding is conditional on no unexpected costs emerging for SEPnet 2. SEPnet reserves the right to withdraw this offer of funding should circumstances demand it. Once a project has started the funding offer will be honoured.


Towards the end of a project a PhD student, ECR or their supervisor may have ideas for developing research impact but the termination of the contract proves a barrier. Examples of previously successful Impact grants were described in the Spring 2017 Issue of GRADnews.


A small grant to support the individual – this may be a PhD student after submission but before the viva or before starting a post doc position, or an ECR between contracts. The individual will work with the SEPnet Innovation Partnership Fellow, Gill Prosser ( or Colin Hayhurst (, to explore opportunities for research impact.

The impact sought may be economic, environmental, policy, health/lifestyle, cultural and/or societal including public engagement.

The time may be spent identifying and working with stakeholders to determine the feasibility of the research delivering impact and to determine how this impact may be achieved.  However, this funding is NOT intended to support continuing the underpinning research.


A short written statement outlining the nature of the underpinning research, initial ideas for impact and target stakeholders and a justification for the resources requested to be submitted to Averil Macdonald ( Template on the next page.

It is recommended that applicants consult with their Innovation Partnership Scheme (IPS) Fellow to discuss ideas and/or discuss initial thoughts with Averil Macdonald.


The process is on a first come first served basis with a deadline of 31st October 2017 for final proposals.

N.B These grants MUST be allocated and projects commenced before the end of SEPnet 2 (July 31st 2018) but expenditure may take place after this date. The projects are therefore suitable for individuals who will be available to start any time up until July 2018.


Template headings for application for SEPnet Impact grant – 1 side A4 approx

  • Title
  • Proposer/Supervisor and proposed researcher
  • Aims of project including impact types targeted
  • Background research (eg project on which this impact is based)
  • Outline plan for engaging with stakeholders to establish potential for impact
  • Outline plan for developing impact
  • Time scales
  • Costs and justifications of resource
  • Other supporting information




GRADnet Entrepreneurship Challenge – Winners announced

Our dynamic modern world presents interesting and exciting opportunities for those who want to get involved and add value to the economy and society. Entrepreneurship is a key and Research Councils encourage PhD students to have a better understanding of its role in value creation and the role of innovation in fostering it. Earlier this year, GRADnet launched its Entrepreneurship in Action Challenge tailored for Physics PGRs in SEPnet to get involved. Elaine Hickmott of EH-Enterprises developed the programme especially for GRADnet.

As  part of the Challenge, SEPnet institutions were invited to form teams of PGR researchers to compete to be the most entrepreneurial physics department in SEPnet. Teams were formed from Kent, Portsmouth, QMUL, Southampton, Surrey, and  Sussex.

In the six months since the teams formed they have undertaken an exciting, and sometimes gruelling, journey to develop their ideas into marketable proposals. Unfortunately along the way, some teams dropped out due to research commitments. However they gained valuable experience from the intensive training provided.

The teams from across the network gathered on 13 July to present their business ideas to a panel industry judges.  Neil Phillipson of Outsideology, Simon Bland of Reigate and Banstead Borough Council and Phil Edwards of Weald Technology were all impressed by the quality, credibility and potential of the ideas being showcased.  They commented that it was impressive to see physics PhD students applying their skills to challenges and scenarios outside of their normal environment.  They agreed that the creative thinking and entrepreneurial mindset demonstrated by the teams would be an asset to any industry or organisation.

The teams were from Portsmouth (Daniel Goddard and Ben Mawdsley, who sent a video of their project), Southampton (Azaria Coupe, Anthony Preston, Andrew Lawson, and Marc Scott), and two teams from Surrey (Ralitsa Ilieva and Gemma Chapman; Bob Simmons and Louise Dummot).


Winning Team from Southampton. Azaria Coupe was unable to be present.

Winning Team from Southampton. Azaria Coupe was unable to be present.

The winning team came from the University of Southampton and they are looking forward to spending their cash prize.  The achievements of all the teams were celebrated at the follow-on networking event which brought together the students and local entrepreneurial businesses.Azaria Coupe, who led the winning team, has written an article on her blog.

All the teams thoroughly enjoyed the challenge, having learnt a lot about innovation, business and themselves.



Call for SEPnet Grant Proposals for Impact

Impact Grants available

Aim: To support researchers in developing Impact from their research, SEPnet is offering small grants to support an individual for up to 3 months full time or pro rata.

Concept: Towards the end of a project a PhD student, ECR or their supervisor may have ideas for developing research impact but the termination of the contract proves a barrier.

Solution:  A small grant to support the individual – this may be a PhD student after submission but before the viva or before starting a post doc position, or an ECR between contracts. The individual will work with the Innovation Partnership Fellow to explore opportunities for research impact.

The impact sought may be economic, environmental, policy, health/lifestyle, cultural or societal.

The time may be spent identifying and working with stakeholders to determine the feasibility of the research delivering impact and to determine how this impact may be achieved.

Process:  A short written statement outlining the nature of the underpinning research, initial ideas for impact and target stakeholders and a justification for the resources requested to be submitted to Averil Macdonald (

It is recommended that applicants consult with their Innovation Partnership Scheme (IPS) Fellow to discuss ideas and/or discuss initial thoughts with Averil Macdonald.

Deadline: The process is on a first come first served basis with a deadline of 15th February 2016 for final proposals.