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SEPnet Sharing Good Practice in HE STEM Equality & Diversity

SEPnet organised a one-day workshop for Equality & Diversity and Project Juno champions to share good practice in addressing barriers to female progression in STEM on 4 December.

Paul Walton of University of York highlighted the barriers people put up to progressing gender equality and what solutions are available to deal with them. Averil Macdonald, Diversity Lead for SEPnet, looked at attracting students, recruiting staff and how to reach a wider pool of candidates through the use of inclusive language in marketing.  Sally Jordan of The Open University focused on learning gain, attainment gaps and student diversity while Peter Main of Kings College London described how to implement an effective fully transparent workload allocation model and led discussion on whether the long hours’ culture could be overcome.  Finally, Tracey Berry of Royal Holloway provided top tips on how to submit effective Athena SWAN and Project Juno Applications.

You can sign up to the SEPnet Diversity JISCMAIL group to share ideas, information and news related to equality and diversity. Email Cristobel Soares-Smith at if you wish to join this group.


SEPnet & University of Hertfordshire Degree Apprenticeship Consultation

Wednesday 6 December 12.00 – 15.00
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield

This half-day meeting, including lunch, will:
• explore the demand for physics-related apprenticeships by developing an understanding of the skills and workforce needs in industry
• identify the potential for university physics departments to support the development of new degree apprenticeships or implement existing standards.
• generate ideas for possible collaboration on degree apprenticeship development, involving the Institute for Physics and SEPnet member departments.

Employers of physics graduates, relevant professional bodies, sector skills councils, local enterprise partnerships, HE physics academics.

To join this meeting and for further details, contact:


Female physics students take control of their careers

On Wednesday 15 November the IOP held its annual event focusing on promoting career opportunities for female physicists. ‘Taking Control of your Career as a Female Physicist’, organised in partnership with SEPnet, set out to communicate the range of career opportunities for female physicists and provide a platform for attendees to discuss career-related issues in a supportive environment.

Panellists from industry and academia shared their experiences and provided tips and advice on their career journey and the resilience needed to carve out a successful career path. The attendees commented on what inspirational role models the panellists were and on how motivated and well informed they felt about their career options.

One student commented “(i)t is really hard to meet female physicists outside academia so this is why I attended this event and I feel inspired and supported. It’s also proven to be a great networking opportunity”. Panellist, Rikki Douglas of Ultra Electronics said “(i)t is refreshing to see so many committed career-minded female physicists in one place.”


IOP/SEPnet Joint PhD Careers Event Makes PGRs Aware of Their Many Options

On 8 November the Institute of Physics and SEPnet co-hosted a careers and speed networking event for post graduate researchers chaired by Mark Telling, Senior Research Scientist at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and IOP Vice President (membership).

Students had the opportunity to interact with physicists in business and research institutions including representatives from Diamond Light Source; IBM; ICG Portsmouth; MP Capital; NPL; Rank Group; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd to learn about different career pathways open to individuals with a PhD in physics.

Mark Telling described how ‘this event not only promotes possible academic career opportunities but also provides a much needed platform for those sectors which depend on physics, and skilled physicists, but for whom career openings may not be immediately visible.’

The event was a great success with one Surrey PGR student summing up the event by saying ‘it was great to have panellists from all different walks of life and who have taken totally different career paths – it really helped put into perspective the plurality of options that are available to us as physics students.”

Veronica Benson, SEPnet Employer Liaison Director added that ‘collaborating with the IOP on this event has certainly enabled us to offer a richer experience to our postgraduate researchers.’ The IOP and SEPnet look forward to collaborating on similar events in the future.


Degree Apprenticeship Consultation for SEPnet Partners, Employers and Physics Academics

Degree Apprenticeship Consultation
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield
Wednesday 6 December 12.00 – 15.00

A half-day meeting has been organised between University of Hertfordshire and SEPnet to:
• explore the demand for physics-related apprenticeships by developing an understanding of the skills and workforce needs in industry
• identify the potential for university physics departments to support the development of new degree apprenticeships or implement existing standards.
• generate ideas for possible collaboration on degree apprenticeship development, involving the Institute for Physics and SEPnet member departments.

This event is for all employers of physics graduates, relevant professional bodies, sector skills councils, local enterprise partnerships, HE physics academics.

For further details email:


HE STEM Equality and Diversity – the Impact of the TEF and REF: What are the risks of not engaging?

A SEPnet Workshop – Monday 4 December 2017, 10.00 – 16.00, Queen Mary University of London

SEPnet is organising a one-day workshop to share good practice in addressing barriers to female progression in STEM and supporting under-represented groups with particular focus on the impact of the REF and TEF.

Successful REF and TEF submissions will increasingly depend on HEIs demonstrating evidence of robust diversity policies and practices. Presenters will provide an overview of progress to date highlighting examples of successful initiatives. Short case studies will be followed by group discussion to understand what key actions HE staff, responsible for diversity, can take to bring about real change.

Programme and speakers:
• Gender equality in an academic department – lessons learnt – Paul Walton, University of York

• Widening Participation, the TEF and REF – recruitment and marketing – Averil Macdonald, Diversity Lead, SEPnet

• Learning gain, attainment gaps and student diversity – Sally Jordan, Open University

• Contracts, work allocation and the long hours’ culture – Peter Main, Kings College London

• Athena SWAN and Project Juno Applications – top tips and pitfalls – Tracey Berry, Royal Holloway University of London

• TEF/REF – what are the risks of not engaging? – panel discussion

This event is aimed at HE STEM staff responsible for diversity and inclusion including Athena SWAN, Project Juno and diversity champions, HR managers and academics.

Refreshments will be provided. The workshop is FREE to attend, places are limited. Contact to book your place.

Student Expo


The annual Students’ Expo provides an opportunity for students to showcase their summer placement work through presentations and posters to over 150 employers, academic tutors and peers. This year 91 students were successful in finding industry and research placements and will present their posters at the Expo.

The event will include morning and afternoon presentations and poster sessions. Attendees get a chance to view students’ posters and hear about their diverse and challenging projects. Employers have the opportunity to network with academics for knowledge exchange and meet physics students to discuss their career options.

This year’s keynote address will be delivered by Paul Ettinger, physics graduate and Co-founder of Caffe Nero.

For more information email




Taking Control of your Career as a Female Physicist

Wednesday 15 November, 15.00 – 18.00
Hallam Conference Centre, London W1

IOP and SEPnet are holding a networking careers event for physics undergraduate and PGRs.

This half-day panel and networking event gives you a chance to find out about the range of career options open to physicists.

Hear female physicists:
• talk about their roles and how they got to where they are
• provide practical advice and information about the skills and experience you need to progress in your career

Participating organisations include: Micron Semiconductor Ltd; Leonardo; Magnetic Shields; National Physical Laboratory; University of Sussex; Royal Holloway; UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA); Ultra Electronics and others.

Refreshments will be provided. Places are limited and the event is free to attend.
Register at:


SEPnet Outreach is looking for an Evaluator for Connect Physics

SEPnet is looking for an evaluator for Connect Physics, our new workshops looking to raise the number of Year 8 students considering physics as a pathway to their future. There has been some formative evaluation and initial testing on the workshops but we would like the evaluator to join us for this final phase of testing and summative evaluation.

Details for the project can be found here.

The evaluation brief can be found here.

SEPnet Outreach will accept proposals up to £7,000 which should include any travel expenses and VAT if applicable. Any proposed budgets above this amount should be justified within the proposal. Deadline for proposals is Monday 16 October 2017.

Please contact Dominic Galliano on 0207 882 5063 /  07702 363 731 or if you would like any further information.