SEPnet Summer Placements - Register
Each year, SEPnet arranges for undergraduates in their 2nd and 3rd year at SEPnet partner universities to carry out eight-week paid placements. The scheme not only provides a transfer of knowledge across the South East of England, it increases the employability of physics and maths students too.

Do you have a project/work experience for a physics or maths undergraduate or PhD student?
To register your placement project
Simply provide a description of your placement, then, if your project is chosen by the SEPnet board, we will advertise your project to our pool of 1,700 2nd and 3rd year physics undergraduates and ask them to apply direct to you for the placement. We will support both you and the student to minimise your workload and ensure the process is as smooth as possible.
Register your placement project (or projects), online here
For more information or to talk through a placement idea please do reach out to Michelle Limbert