
Register Now: Numerical Modelling for Condensed Matter 14-16 Jan 2018

Numerical Modelling for Condensed Matter

Who: Physics postgraduate researchers seeking an introduction to different methods of numerical modelling in condensed matter physics.

What: A 3-day residential workshop led by senior researchers in the SEPnet region comprising lectures, tutorials, seminars and other activities.

When: 14-16 January 2018

Where: Old Thorns Manor Hotel, Liphook, Hampshire.

Numbers: Circa 20-25 delegates

This interactive residential school is designed for PhD students who would benefit from an introduction to different methods of numerical modelling in condensed matter physics: Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, and first-principles quantum mechanical simulation.  These fundamental and widely-used simulation techniques could support theoretical, computational or experimental PhD projects. The sessions comprise lectures on principles followed by an opportunity for hands-on practice.

Molecular dynamics is used to model molecular configurations, molecular interactions and the dynamics of molecules at nano time and length scales. The school will introduce some of the key software packages available and offer students hands-on experience in one of them.

The key to success with molecular dynamics is to have good, validated interatomic potentials. These are obtained through density functional theory and quantum mechanical calculations. The workshop will include an introduction to these methods.

Molecular dynamics is too computationally expensive in both time and memory to model large ensembles of atoms and molecules over longer timescales. This is where Monte Carlo methods take over. The school will explore some of the varied applications of Monte Carlo simulations in Physics and to put some into practise.

Your travel expenses, meals and accommodation are covered by SEPnet.

Register here using your VRE login. Deadline to register is 8 December 2017.  If you do not have a VRE (Virtual Research Environment)login please contact your local GRADnet Administrator for assistance.





Cristobel Soares-Smith
SEPnet Graduate Network Administrator
01483 682270

HE STEM Equality and Diversity – the Impact of the TEF and REF: What are the risks of not engaging?

A SEPnet Workshop – Monday 4 December 2017, 10.00 – 16.00, Queen Mary University of London

SEPnet is organising a one-day workshop to share good practice in addressing barriers to female progression in STEM and supporting under-represented groups with particular focus on the impact of the REF and TEF.

Successful REF and TEF submissions will increasingly depend on HEIs demonstrating evidence of robust diversity policies and practices. Presenters will provide an overview of progress to date highlighting examples of successful initiatives. Short case studies will be followed by group discussion to understand what key actions HE staff, responsible for diversity, can take to bring about real change.

Programme and speakers:
• Gender equality in an academic department – lessons learnt – Paul Walton, University of York

• Widening Participation, the TEF and REF – recruitment and marketing – Averil Macdonald, Diversity Lead, SEPnet

• Learning gain, attainment gaps and student diversity – Sally Jordan, Open University

• Contracts, work allocation and the long hours’ culture – Peter Main, Kings College London

• Athena SWAN and Project Juno Applications – top tips and pitfalls – Tracey Berry, Royal Holloway University of London

• TEF/REF – what are the risks of not engaging? – panel discussion

This event is aimed at HE STEM staff responsible for diversity and inclusion including Athena SWAN, Project Juno and diversity champions, HR managers and academics.

Refreshments will be provided. The workshop is FREE to attend, places are limited. Contact veronica.benson@sepnet.ac.uk to book your place.


Job Vacancy: SEPnet Executive Director

Job Vacancy: SEPnet Executive Director

Location:  One of the SEPnet locations
Salary:   Competitive – Commensurate with qualifications and experience
Part Time, Fixed Term – 0.5 FTE, until 31/07/2021
Closing Date:   Monday 27 November 2017
Reference:  928317WF

SEPnet logo
The South East Physics Network (SEPnet) has been in existence since 2008 and has successfully transformed the sustainability of university Physics teaching and research in the South East of England. It now has nine Physics departments[1] in the region as members and they are committed to sustaining the network in the years ahead. SEPnet is seeking a new Executive Director to lead it as it evolves over the next few years. The role is part time (50% FTE) and could suit a secondment from a HEI or other STEM organisation.

The ED will formally lead and manage the professional staff of SEPnet employed to deliver outreach, employer engagement, and the Physics PGR Graduate Training Programme (GRADnet).This team will carry through the strategy agreed with the Board of Heads of Department that s/he will chair, who carry ultimate accountability and responsibility for activities to the group of Universities in the Network. A key element of this appointment will be the strategic positioning of SEPnet so that it plays a significant role in developing physics research and education across the South-East, and influencing policy at regional and national levels.

The Executive Director will provide exemplary leadership and direction for SEPnet, in collaboration with university stakeholders, physics academics and students across the network. S/he will be responsible for managing the SEPnet-employed staff, and managing the SEPnet budget and resources. S/he will also spearhead a network of engaged academics, from the member universities, in order to deliver the GRADnet programme; providing leadership and implementing the agreed strategic vision for this on-going graduate training programme. The professional team within the SEPnet organization is small with a far-reaching and diverse agenda. As is usual with such teams all members will be expected to operate at many levels and across the complete spectrum of activities. The successful candidate will be based at one of the SEPnet member institutions and will need to travel frequently around the network and to events in London. The employing University from the SEPnet members institutions will be determined at appointment.

Further information:

[1] The Universities of Hertfordshire, Kent, Portsmouth, Southampton, Surrey, Sussex; The Open University; Queen Mary University of London; Royal Holloway University of London

The base location of the successful candidate is negotiable within the South East Region. They have the option to be based at one of the nine SEPnet partners, in which case that location could agree to become the employing location. Home working in this role is also a possibility.

This role is part time at 0.5FTE, or the role may be suitable for a full time individual seconded to the role, in which 50% of their time is “bought out” by SEPnet. The role is funded up to July 2021.

Interviews for this role will be held on 19th January 2018. They will be held at Royal Holloway University of London, 11 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3RF.

Candidates wishing to discuss the position can contact the SEPnet Independent Chair, Professor Sir William Wakeham at chair@sepnet.ac.uk

Application Procedure:

You should submit your completed online application form at www.jobs.soton.ac.uk.

Please submit details for 3 referees and include your CV with your application.

The application deadline will be midnight on the closing date stated above. If you need any assistance, please call Sarah Foster (Recruitment Team) on +44 (0) 23 8059 5070. Please quote reference 928317WF on all correspondence.

Student Expo


The annual Students’ Expo provides an opportunity for students to showcase their summer placement work through presentations and posters to over 150 employers, academic tutors and peers. This year 91 students were successful in finding industry and research placements and will present their posters at the Expo.

The event will include morning and afternoon presentations and poster sessions. Attendees get a chance to view students’ posters and hear about their diverse and challenging projects. Employers have the opportunity to network with academics for knowledge exchange and meet physics students to discuss their career options.

This year’s keynote address will be delivered by Paul Ettinger, physics graduate and Co-founder of Caffe Nero.

For more information email employerengagement@sepnet.ac.uk




Making Holograms – KS3 & KS4 Workshops – Central London

There are still a few places left for schools to sign-up to Holography Workshops in Central London.

These will be run by the University of Southampton as part of their PHABLAB project.

Holography & the EM Spectrum: Making Holograms

Hands-on workshop in Photonics (laser technology) for KS3 students of all genders. Students will learn about and apply basic light theory to create holograms. They will be working with an experienced team of educators and researchers. Students will learn about Photonics, a key cutting-edge technology, important for solving societal challenges in the 21st Century, such as energy, medicine, telecommunications and manufacturing, in a creative & informal environment.

GCSE Students
Wednesday 1 November 2017
10-12pm or 1-3pm.

KS3 Students
Friday 3 November 2017
10-12pm or 1-3pm.

Green Lab (3Space), Corner of Keeton’s & Collett Road, Bermondsey, London SE16 4EE.

Booking E-mail Pearl John: pj@soton.ac.uk



Taking Control of your Career as a Female Physicist

Wednesday 15 November, 15.00 – 18.00
Hallam Conference Centre, London W1

IOP and SEPnet are holding a networking careers event for physics undergraduate and PGRs.

This half-day panel and networking event gives you a chance to find out about the range of career options open to physicists.

Hear female physicists:
• talk about their roles and how they got to where they are
• provide practical advice and information about the skills and experience you need to progress in your career

Participating organisations include: Micron Semiconductor Ltd; Leonardo; Magnetic Shields; National Physical Laboratory; University of Sussex; Royal Holloway; UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA); Ultra Electronics and others.

Refreshments will be provided. Places are limited and the event is free to attend.
Register at: https://www.iopconferences.org/iop/1141/home


Call for Abstracts for Student-led Conference 21-23 March 2018: From Micrometres to Megaparsecs

Call for Abstracts for Student-led Conference 21-23 March 2018: From Micrometres to Megaparsecs

Who: Postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers from the SEPnet region with research interests in this year’s conference topics. A limited number of places are available to early stage  researchers beyond the region.

What: Two parallel research conferences proposed and organised by students wanting to advance their research and extend their collaborations. The conferences include talks by invited speakers and students as well as poster and recreational sessions.

When: 21-23 March 2018  (Arrival 18:00 on 21 March 2018)

Where:  Murray Lecture Building, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton. (Accommodation at Glen Eyre Complex, Highfield Campus)

Numbers: Circa 35 delegates

This conference aims to bring together students from all areas of astronomy research. From micrometeorites at Kent, to cosmological surveys at Portsmouth, the GRADnet groups and astronomy departments cover all sizes and scales of the Universe. Students will gain knowledge of a wide range of research techniques applied to the various size scales, and see where such techniques may cross over and enhance their own research; e.g. how the physics of planetary system formation can scale up to galactic formation.

Organisers:  Sam Billington, Justyn Campbell-White, University of Kent, and Ben Mawdsley, University of Portsmouth

The parallel conference is Advances in High Energy Physics and Cosmology and aims to bring together students from all areas of particle physics research. There will be cross-over lectures which are relevant to students of both astronomy and particle physics.

Abstract deadline 30 November 2017:  Submit your abstract here Once your abstract has been accepted you will be notified by the conference organiser to register for this conference.

The deadline to register is 7 February 2018.  

Click here to register.




Cristobel Soares-Smith
SEPnet Graduate Network Administrator
01483 682270


Like our Facebook GRADnet page and Connect on LinkedIn




SEPnet is a consortium of 9 university physics departments at Hertfordshire, Kent, OU, Portsmouth, Queen Mary, Royal Holloway, Southampton, Surrey, Sussex.


SEPnet Impact Grants – second call – deadline Oct 31st

SEPnet Impact Grants – second call – deadline Oct 31st


To support researchers in developing Impact from their research, SEPnet is offering small grants to support an individual for up to 3 months full time or pro rata.

N.B These grants MUST be allocated and projects commenced before the end of SEPnet 2 (July 31st 2018) but expenditure may take place after this date. The projects are therefore suitable for individuals who will be available to start at any time up until July 2018.

N.B. This offer of funding is conditional on no unexpected costs emerging for SEPnet 2. SEPnet reserves the right to withdraw this offer of funding should circumstances demand it. Once a project has started the funding offer will be honoured.


Towards the end of a project a PhD student, ECR or their supervisor may have ideas for developing research impact but the termination of the contract proves a barrier. Examples of previously successful Impact grants were described in the Spring 2017 Issue of GRADnews.


A small grant to support the individual – this may be a PhD student after submission but before the viva or before starting a post doc position, or an ECR between contracts. The individual will work with the SEPnet Innovation Partnership Fellow, Gill Prosser (gill.prosser@port.ac.uk) or Colin Hayhurst (C.J.Hayhurst@sussex.ac.uk), to explore opportunities for research impact.

The impact sought may be economic, environmental, policy, health/lifestyle, cultural and/or societal including public engagement.

The time may be spent identifying and working with stakeholders to determine the feasibility of the research delivering impact and to determine how this impact may be achieved.  However, this funding is NOT intended to support continuing the underpinning research.


A short written statement outlining the nature of the underpinning research, initial ideas for impact and target stakeholders and a justification for the resources requested to be submitted to Averil Macdonald (a.m.macdonald@soton.ac.uk). Template on the next page.

It is recommended that applicants consult with their Innovation Partnership Scheme (IPS) Fellow to discuss ideas and/or discuss initial thoughts with Averil Macdonald.


The process is on a first come first served basis with a deadline of 31st October 2017 for final proposals.

N.B These grants MUST be allocated and projects commenced before the end of SEPnet 2 (July 31st 2018) but expenditure may take place after this date. The projects are therefore suitable for individuals who will be available to start any time up until July 2018.


Template headings for application for SEPnet Impact grant – 1 side A4 approx

  • Title
  • Proposer/Supervisor and proposed researcher
  • Aims of project including impact types targeted
  • Background research (eg project on which this impact is based)
  • Outline plan for engaging with stakeholders to establish potential for impact
  • Outline plan for developing impact
  • Time scales
  • Costs and justifications of resource
  • Other supporting information




GRADnews Autumn Issue – SEPnet’s Graduate School newsletter is out now!

The Autumn 2017 issue of GRADnews provides an update on all that’s been happening within GRADnet over the last few months.

Read about:

  • an interesting measurement conundrum – answers on a postcard please!
  • the first DISCnet (data science) workshop for PGRs as part of the new Centre for Doctoral Training (employers interested in offering placements to data science PGRs should visit this page: http://www.sepnet.ac.uk/research/discnet-overview/ and contact Gill.Prosser@Port.ac.uk)
  • Mark Patton of Oxford Instruments’ perspective on engaging with PGRs this summer as part of the GRADnet summer school.

A copy of the newsletter can be downloaded here: GRADnews Issue 7 Final v3