
SEPnet organises its 8th annual Students’ Expo on 23rd November at RSA House in London

The annual Students’ Expo provides an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their work through presentations and posters to over 150 employers, academic tutors and peers in a prestigious London venue.

The scheme grows from strength to strength. This year 85 students were successful in finding industry and research placements with a range of large and small companies and research organisations.

Students will exhibit their poster and give a one-minute presentation about their project. Prizes will be awarded for the best posters.

This year’s keynote address will be delivered by Dr Frances Saunders, former IOP President and Chief Executive of Dstl.

Students have the opportunity to network with employers and explore job prospects with recruiters.

For more information about SEPnet’s summer placement scheme email summerplacements@sepnet.ac.uk



REGISTER NOW – GRADnet Winter School – Free to attend

GRADnet Winter School 13-15 February 2017, Cumberland Lodge, Great Windsor Park, Berkshire SL4 2HP

This 3-day residential school will focus on the skills required for effective leadership and team-working.  The core activity will centre around a multi-media case simulation of the ill-fated Columbia Space Shuttle mission. In this mission, NASA engineers and leaders sought to understand the nature and threat associated with a technical problem that occurred on launch. Over the course of the mission, they analysed the damage, assessed the risks, and decided what to do. Leadership, organisational culture, communication, personality characteristics, formal systems and job positions are amongst many complex issues that affected the course of the decision-making process.

Workshop participants work in teams to analyse the simulation, using materials supplied by NASA. Each team takes the role of one of the key NASA managers or engineers, initially experiencing only those events that that person had at the time of the mission. This adds a rich dimension to the case experience as participants recognise how perceptions of the same event can vary.

See attached for further details and a draft timetable. Columbia’s Final Mission Winter School Timetable 2017 Draft

To see what happened at the last Winter School look here.

This is a free event and all reasonable travel expenses are covered by SEPnet.

Log on to the VRE and register here.  Registration deadline 13 January 2017.


Cristobel Soares-Smith

SEPnet Graduate Network Administrator


01483 682270





A PGR’s perspective on the GRADnet Induction Day

Michael Hubbard, a first year postgraduate researcher at the University of Surrey gives his perspective on the GRADnet Induction Day held on the 26 October 2016 at the Park Crescent Conference Centre in central London.

“The GRADnet induction day was an enjoyable day out of the office. The day presented a brilliant opportunity to meet new people, even from your own university; not to mention networking with old friends from our undergraduate years. The workshops I attended provided me with an insight into the world of getting a paper published and explored the world of MATLAB”.

GRADnet Induction Day Photo 2


Register Now for Cosmology and Gravitation School 16-18 January 2017

Cosmology and Gravitation School 16-18 January 2017,  Old Thorns Manor Hotel, Liphook, Hampshire, GU30 7PE

A 3-day workshop led by researchers from the Universities of Portsmouth, Southampton, Sussex, Hertfordshire and Surrey, comprises five pedagogic sessions exploring different aspects of cosmology and gravitation through a mix of lectures, seminars and tutorials.

Register here.  Registration deadline is 2 December 2016

Theory Overview:  This session asks what we can expect to learn in the decade 2020-2030. It provides a context to explain how concrete measurements might get turned into knowledge about the underlying physics. It explains the framework used to interpret cosmological measurements. Topics covered include modified gravity, structure formation measurements, inflationary initial conditions and the cosmological constant problem.

Low Red Shift Universe:  This session spans supernovae, weak lensing  and large-scale structure

Gravitational waves:  The newly-emerging field of gravitational wave astronomy will be discussed in the context of detectors, sources and cosmology.

Universe of Galaxies:  This session will focus on how galaxies can be used to place constraints on cosmology, specifically the use of galaxies to measure dark energy through baryonic acoustic oscillations and supernovae, gravitational lensing to probe the distribution of dark matter, and ‘near field’ cosmology to explore the conditions of star formation in the early Universe.

Cosmic Microwave Background:  This session will cover the CMB power spectra, polarisation and B modes, and CMB lensing.


GRADnet Induction Day 26 October 2016

The GRADnet Induction Day was held at the Park Crescent Conference Centre in central London on Wednesday, 26 October. 115 postgraduate students attended the day and participated in 5 workshops:

Getting your research published: Simon Harris, IOP Publishing; LaTEX:  Dr Paul Stevenson, University of Surrey; MATLAB:  Prof Peter McDonald, University of Surrey; Python:  Dr Timothy Kinnear, University of Kent and Organising meetings and conferences:  Kay Pearson, Employability Advisor University of Surrey.

Professor Peter McDonald, GRADnet Director, gave an introduction to GRADnet and details of the free training opportunities available in this academic year.

This was an excellent opportunity for first year postgraduates to network with their SEPnet partners. One student reported that the speakers were “brilliant” and the event was “top notch”.

Cristobel Soares-Smith, GRADnet Administrator, said “this was one of the best attended events by physics postgraduates and I hope to see many of the attendees at future GRADnet residential schools and one-day workshops”.

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Connecting Industry and Researchers in Physics at University of Hertfordshire

Connecting Industry and Researchers in Physics – SEPnet’s physics PhDs and employers came together for a lively networking evening at University of Hertfordshire on 19 October.

Herts 1 Key employers AWE, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, GlaxoSmithKline, Leonardo, Royal Marsden, Ultra Electronics and others met physics postgraduates and postdocs to talk about what they can offer industry. Students also met data science experts, Pivigo, and Oscar winners, Framestore, in a structured networking session which raised their awareness of how their research can be applied in a wide range of industries. 

 Asked what students gained from the evening, comments included: ‘that my very narrow field links to the wider world’, ‘how my astrophysics research translates into useful transferable skills for industry application’, ‘I met some really interesting (and hopefully useful) people’.

 Our next event will be in May at University of Sussex.  For more details email gradnetadmin@sepnet.ac.uk


SEPnet’s Averil MacDonald receives ‘Starting Out Award’

At a reception held at the Guildhall in London held on 17th October 2016, Professor Averil MacDonald OBE, SEPnet’s Diversity and Impact Champion, received the ‘Starting Out Award’  from the Women’s Business Council.
159A3289The award recognises Prof MacDonald for her work inspiring the next generation to take up careers in STEM including the People Like Me project sponsored by Women in Science and Engineering (WISE).

Professor MacDonald has a long standing commitment to encouraging women into careers in Science and Engineering. She has been a role model and has pursued innovative ways of reaching out to girls at an early age to overcome the barriers to gaining STEM qualifications and taking up STEM careers.

In 2015 Professor MacDonald was awarded an OBE for her work in promoting Women in Science and Engineering.

See a People Like Me session with girls at the WISE conference in London on 10 November. Hurry to register before tickets run out:  https://www.wisecampaign.org.uk/conference/wise-conference-2016


SEPnet PhD Scholarships: PhD Grand Challenges 2017

SEPnet PhD Scholarships: PhD Grand Challenges 2017

Take nine world-class University Physics Departments.  Bring together their research, knowledge and resources.  The result is SEPnet.

SEPnet offers PhD programmes focused on the future of physics with scholarships to match.  You will optimise the opportunity to enter your preferred field of research with your single application considered by nine universities: Hertfordshire, Kent, the OU, Portsmouth, Queen Mary, Royal Holloway, Southampton, Surrey and Sussex. Our partners offer over 100 PhD projects every year. These projects and SEPnet Scholarships are available in the following areas of research:

  • Astrophysics
  • Atmospheric and Climate physics
  • Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
  • Medical and Bio- Physics
  • Nuclear Physics:
  • Particle Physics
  • Physics Education
  • Quantum Technology and Condensed Matter
  • Space and Planetary Sciences
  • Theoretical Physics

Scholarships come with additional research training support from SEPnet of up to £500 per year which may be used for travel to conferences or overseas experiments.

The SEPnet Graduate Network (GRADnet)

GRADnet provides an extensive regional training programme for postgraduate researchers including physics training and professional skills development. For more information visit: http://www.sepnet.ac.uk/study/phd-opportunities/

GRADnet runs Graduate Schools for Physics PhD students at employers in the region. This video, produced by our students, gives a flavour of what to expect:

How to Apply:

Applicants are invited to submit their current C.V. and a short statement of their research interests (max. 200 words) to Cristobel Soares-Smith, SEPnet Graduate Network Administrator, gradnetadmin@sepnet.ac.uk by 15 February 2017.  Selected candidates will be invited to attend an Open Day on 22 February 2017 at the Royal Astronomical Society in London in order to meet potential supervisors and learn more about GRADnet.

Closing Date:  15 February 2017

Note that you are also able apply directly to any SEPnet University separately through their standard procedures. If your application is accepted by a particular University after the closing date above, it may not be considered for this GRADnet scholarship award. The SEPnet route should be considered as a distinct path. We will endeavour to make your application available to be considered for all relevant specific awards outside this SEPnet scheme but cannot guarantee that we are aware of all advertised posts from individual supervisors.

We expect awards to be made before the end of April.


Connecting Industry and Researchers in Physics – A SEPnet Event – Wednesday 19 October 2016 – 17.00-20.00, University of Hertfordshire

Connecting Industry and Researchers in Physics,

Wednesday, 19 October 2016, University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire Sports Village, Hatfield.

SEPnet’s Graduate Network (GRADnet) is organising its 6th networking evening to facilitate greater collaboration and links between industry and physics postgraduate research students (PGRs) and researchers.

Who should attend

  • SEPnet PGR students who want to meet businesses and employers from physics-related industries to find out about career opportunities, make contacts and explore research and business ideas.
  • SEPnet partner researchers who want to build links with industry to explore how their research can create impact.
  • Businesses and employers in physics-related industries interested in recruiting physics graduates.

During the evening

  • Hear from panellists including representatives from Culham, Lein Applied Diagnostics, Leonardo, Ultra Electronics, Royal Marsden, Pivigo and GSK talk about the benefits of knowledge exchange and what physics postgraduates and postdocs can offer industry
  • Participate in a speed networking session
  • Build ongoing relationships between industry and researchers through placements, mentoring or research collaboration
  • Find out about work experience and mentoring opportunities;
  • Develop your networking and communication skills.
  • Refreshments will be provided.

How to register    This event is FREE to attend.  Places are limited so please book early by clicking on the following link:http://bit.ly/1R9GsmA.  (PGR students are requested to attend a networking workshop at 16.00). Registration deadline: 14/10/2016

Banners    If you would like to bring a banner for display let us know and we will reserve you a space.

For enquiries, contact gradnetadmin@sepnet.ac.uk