
GRADnet Winter School 8-10 February 2016 – Register Now

Attention all GRADnet Post Graduate Researchers: Build your leadership potential at this three-day Residential School focusing on the skills required for effective leadership and team-working.

Date: 8-10 February 2016 09:30-17:00

Venue:  Discovery Park, Innovation House, Ramsgate Rd, Sandwich, Kent  CT13 9ND. For directions see here.

Accommodation:  Premier Inn Canterbury City Centre (For directions see link here) 3 nights’ accommodation has been booked: Sunday, 7 February to Wednesday 10 February 2016

Register here.  Registration deadline Tuesday, 5 January 2016

This three-day Residential School will focus on the skills required for effective leadership and team-working. Different leadership styles will be presented and discussed while each student attendee will be given the opportunity to have their preferred team-working style evaluated using the Belbin model*.  The Belbin model will also provide attendees with the opportunity to obtain feedback from chosen ‘observers’, which can be very useful in confirming if the way we think we behave is how other people see us too!  This will require attendees to sign up early (by January 5th at the latest) so that appropriate feedback can be collated in advance. There will be short sessions delivered by several relevant leaders which will introduce researchers to leadership from a variety of viewpoints and using different examples, models and theories. Throughout the three days participants will actively participate in a variety of leadership challenges and receive feedback on their leadership and team working skills to help them identify their strengths and develop their own individual style further.  Furthermore, participants will learn how best to demonstrate their portfolio of skills to gain employment and to thrive in leadership roles.

Core Activity

Photos from the last event are here (outdoor activity won’t be possible in Winter): https://goo.gl/photos/KBpQeHssdLUnRZnq7


Successful Numerical Modelling and Simulations Workshop 13-15 December 2015

The Numerical Modelling and Simulations Workshop held at Old Thorns, Liphook, Hampshire was attended by 29 SEPnet postgraduate researchers.  Prof Roger Webb, University of Surrey, delivered a talk on “Materials Modelling – 35 Years of Animation” on Sunday evening which was well received.  Day 1 covered first-principles quantum mechanical simulations of electrons and nuclei focussing on the package CASTEP and was delivered by Prof Keith Refson, Royal Holloway, University of London.  Day 2 covered molecular dynamics delivered by Dr Kostya Trachenko, Queen Mary University of London and Monte  Carlo simulation methods which was delivered by Dr Dave Faux, University of Surrey.

Feedback from students was very positive: “two days was perfect length, course content fantastic, workshop questions very informative and venue was great”!


Call for SEPnet Grant Proposals for Impact

Impact Grants available

Aim: To support researchers in developing Impact from their research, SEPnet is offering small grants to support an individual for up to 3 months full time or pro rata.

Concept: Towards the end of a project a PhD student, ECR or their supervisor may have ideas for developing research impact but the termination of the contract proves a barrier.

Solution:  A small grant to support the individual – this may be a PhD student after submission but before the viva or before starting a post doc position, or an ECR between contracts. The individual will work with the Innovation Partnership Fellow to explore opportunities for research impact.

The impact sought may be economic, environmental, policy, health/lifestyle, cultural or societal.

The time may be spent identifying and working with stakeholders to determine the feasibility of the research delivering impact and to determine how this impact may be achieved.

Process:  A short written statement outlining the nature of the underpinning research, initial ideas for impact and target stakeholders and a justification for the resources requested to be submitted to Averil Macdonald (a.m.macdonald@reading.ac.uk)

It is recommended that applicants consult with their Innovation Partnership Scheme (IPS) Fellow to discuss ideas and/or discuss initial thoughts with Averil Macdonald.

Deadline: The process is on a first come first served basis with a deadline of 15th February 2016 for final proposals.

Big Bang Fair

SEPnet Outreach & Ogden Science Officer

The University of Surrey, in conjunction with SEPnet and Ogden Science Trust are recruiting! The post holder will provide efficient and effective co-ordination and delivery of a wide range of Outreach and Marketing initiatives aimed at promoting Physics to Schools and the take up of Physics at A level and beyond within the South East. The post holder will work with school teachers, university departments and staff and employers in the South East to ensure that the programme is developed, delivered and supported.

For more details and how to apply see here. Closing Date Sunday 6th December 2015.


Seventh SEPnet Student Expo – a Great Success!

SEPnet’s 7th Annual Students’ Expo recently took place at the Royal Academy of Engineering. Over 150 students, academics and employers came together to celebrate the achievements of 84 students who successfully carried out industry and research summer placements on a diverse range of topics from production engineering of a prototype electric motorcycle to mapping of UK innovation clusters.

Professor Martin Earwicker talking on his "Career in four miles"

Professor Martin Earwicker talking on his “Career in four miles”

Former students gave inspiring talks about the benefits of their experiences and their current roles.  Professor Martin Earwicker spoke about his varied and successful career as vice chancellor of London South Bank University, Director of the Science Museum and first chief executive of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.

Students gave 1-minute presentations and displayed posters about their projects.  Prizes donated by the IOP were awarded for the 6 best posters.

We will soon put out a call for next year’s summer placements.  If you are interested in offering a summer placement to a physics student, email employerengagement@sepmet.ac.uk

Six student posters were selected as winners:

Brennan Hacket of the University of Surrey

Brennan Hacket of the University of Surrey

Ashley Morahan of the University of Southampton

Ashley Morahan of the University of Southampton

Natasha Westland of Queen Mary University of London

Natasha Westland of Queen Mary University of London

Mark Grundy of the University of Sussex

Mark Grundy of the University of Sussex

David Elcock of the University of Southampton

David Elcock of the University of Southampton

Anna Laws of the University of Hertfordshire

Anna Laws of the University of Southampton

You can see some of our photos here.


Numerical Modelling and Simulations Workshop 13-15 December 2015

Date:  13-15 December 2015 (arrival at 17:00 on Sunday evening)

Venue and Accommodation:  Old Thorns Manor Hotel, Longmoor Rd, Griggs Green, Liphook, Hampshire GU30 7PE. For directions see here.

To register see link here, deadline Friday, 27 November 2015 

This interactive two-day residential workshop is designed for PhD students who would benefit from an introduction to Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, and first-principles quantum mechanical simulation.  These fundamental and widely-used simulation techniques could support theoretical, computational or experimental PhD projects. The sessions comprise lectures on principles followed by an opportunity for hands-on practice, supplemented by plenary presentations by practitioners.

For full programme see here.