Who: All Physics PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.

What: A 2-day measurement science conference aimed at PGRs and postdoctoral researchers.

When: 6-7 November 2019

Where: National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex

Cost: Workshop and accommodation free to SEPnet students and postdoctoral researchers. Travel costs only to be met by the home university.

Numbers: 10 places available for SEPnet PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.

This year NPL will deliver its 4th Annual NPL Postgraduate Institute (PGI) Measurement Science Conference supported by SEPnet.  This conference brings together experts and practitioners in many fields of science and innovation as well as industry partners and influencers from across the UK. It showcases some of the amazing work of the PGI — future physicists of the workforce — and provides insight into the operations of the UK’s National Measurement Institute.

This event provides an excellent opportunity to meet potential employers and engage with measurement experts operating at the interface of industry and academia.  The conference will include keynote speakers, a career panel session and a conference dinner.  The event is sponsored by the Institute of Physics, M-Solv and National Instruments.

This year’s themes demonstrate the breadth of the PGI and showcase how measurement science is pivotal in:

  • creating impact on health through research into effective diagnosis and therapy with common or novel health-based practices;
  • sustaining our environment by illustrating how research can combat current global environmental and energy challenges;
  • making a difference to society through better living, by improving or monitoring communications, economic performance and general quality of life.

To register your interest in attending this event please email Cristobel Soares-Smith, c.soares-smith@surrey.ac.uk by 6 September 2019.  10 places will be allocated to SEPnet postgraduate researchers and your place will be confirmed by 6 September 2019.