Quantum Computing Workshop 27-28 April 2020

Who: Principally 1st and 2nd year physics postgraduate researchers working in quantum computing.

What: A 2-day residential workshop which is designed to give an introduction to quantum computing and its near term prospects.

When: 27-28 April 2020

Where: University of Surrey, Guildford

Numbers: Circa 40 delegates

For research students with a background in this field, this workshop will strengthen their theoretical understanding of quantum computing and its physical implementations, and give an overview of current research problems.

Through lectures and tutorials, postgraduate researchers will be given a theoretical introduction to quantum computing and physical modelling of its implementation in state-of-the-art superconducting circuits, trapped ions and other architectures.

Attendees will focus on goals being pursued internationally to demonstrate the quantum advantage and realise noisy intermediate-scale quantum computing (NISQ). There will be time dedicated to informal discussions, a poster session and activities to highlight individual research.

This event is free (SEPnet pays for your accommodation and course fees) for SEPnet postgraduate researchers and travel expenses incurred can be claimed from your Physics Department.

Register here. Registration deadline: 27 March 2020