Student-led Conference 25-27 March 2020: The Big Data Era in Astronomy

Who: Postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers with research interests in this year’s conference topics (see at right). A limited number of places are available to early stage researchers outside SEPnet.

What: Two parallel conferences proposed and organised by students wanting to advance their research, extend their collaborations, and demonstrate professional competencies. The conferences include talks by invited speakers and students as well as poster and recreational sessions.

When: 25-27 March 2020 (Arrival 16:00 on 25 March for meet and greet at Stag pub on campus)

Where: University of Southampton, Murray Lecture Complex, Highfield Campus

Numbers: Circa 20-30

This conference will focus on all areas of astronomy research benefitting from the big data era which brings new ways of analysing information and collaborating with other researchers including computer scientists. Attendees will gain knowledge of their specific field and a variety of other topics boosting their careers as researchers.

Lead organisers: Tomás Müller(Southampton) and Tracy Garratt (Hertfordshire).

Parallel conference:  Soft Matter:  the unseen science all around us.

Both conferences will include research talks by students and invited experts and there will be an evening poster session. There will be a call for abstracts of contributions in the autumn.

This event is free (SEPnet pays for your accommodation and course fees) for SEPnet postgraduate researchers and travel expenses incurred can be claimed from your Physics Department.

Submit your abstract here.  Abstract deadline 6 January 2020.  Once your abstract has been accepted please register here. Registration deadline: 24 February 2020.