STEM Careers with Physics
To raise awareness of different career paths related to Physics, we have put together a set of descriptive postcards. Each postcard will provide a snapshot of the role including the required Physics knowledge as well as employer details.
Why Physics?
As fascinating as it is, Physics is a subject which is often seen as difficult to relate to when it comes to jobs. These postcards not only enable teachers to showcase the importance of physics during their science lessons, but also encourage students to engage in conversations earlier on regarding their future subject options in school.
For students
Students often have a limited knowledge of careers in STEM and you may find it difficult to picture yourselves in STEM roles. These postcard descriptions can help you identify with suitable job opportunities and the characteristics required for them, and you will often find that you already have some of these attributes and characteristics.
For teachers
With the implementation of the new Gatsby careers benchmarks, especially benchmark 4, teachers are expected to embed career information in their classroom teaching. Our postcards are a simple and easy way to introduce your students to different careers and employers. They are mapped against the KS3 Science curriculum and each postcard highlights 3 STEM employability skills.
Thanks to NUSTEM as these were developed based on NUSTEM resources, and they have been fantastically generous and supportive throughout the process. We have utilised the 15 STEM attributes laid out by NUSTEM, based on previous work of the WISE Campaign and the Royal Academy of Engineering.
For more information about the cards, advice on how to use them or to request high resolution versions, please get in touch by emailing